Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Great Sack Race II

So The Great Sack Race II is underway. I can't tell you guys how excited I am to be doing this. It's such a great opportunity for everyone to really get the most out of this. I really want you guys to take this and run with it.

You know tonight we talked about The Great Commission (Matthew 28) and how we're not about "getting people saved" but we're about changing lives, and pointing lives towards the ways of Jesus. It's so important. You guys have no idea how much that that idea has set me free. When you look at it this way you have so much more potential, more influence. It starts to become crystal clear that the way Jesus has called us to live is so much more than living on the surface.

In relation to The Great Commission and The Great Sack Race II, Jesus says that all authority has been given to Him and since he has that authority he in turn gives the authority to his disciples to go and make more disciples (kinda sounds like rabbits huh?). My point is this. In some sense I'm giving you guy’s authority to go and invite people into this life that we get to enjoy. I want to see Casual Christians turn in to Committed Christians, essentially to become disciples.

Good luck everyone and I'll see you next week.