Tuesday, September 02, 2008

JJ's Baptism

Yesterday afternoon I got to be a part of a great milestone for JJ. JJ came to church camp this year and was incredible, especially since it was his first year. Shortly after he told me he wanted to be baptized, but he wanted to wait until his cast came off because he wanted all of him to be baptized. So on Sunday night I saw him and asked if he still wanted to get baptized. He said yes and we decided to do it the next night. JJ's family and some friends came out and it was incredible. The afternoon was perfect. JJ truly is a great person and I'm so excited to see what the future holds for him. Below are a few pictures from the baptism.

JJ and I (Karyn didn't tell me she was taking a picture)

Matching Chaco's how cute.

JJ trying to decide if he trusted me.

The warm embrace