Thursday, May 18, 2006

Matthew 25 and the parable of the talents. It's one of many of Jesus's parables. When we read this parable (and any scripture for that matter) we have to be able to apply it. If we can't do that then it's worthless. Often the best way to apply a lesson learned from scripture is to ask a question. So when we read this we ask this simple question.......What am I burying?


Brio (for the girls)

Breakaway (for the guys)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I can remember when I was a younger my brother and I used to wrestle all of the time. Sometimes it was for fun, but usually it was because he took my GI Joe, or he'd been playing Nintendo forever and it was my turn. What I remember about it was that it was an intense struggle (for him not me of course).

We ask ourselves what does it look like to struggle with God. Do we put Him in a "full nelson"? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Does it even make sense? I mean He is God and all.

In Genesis 27 we come across this story of guy named Jacob. Now Jacob had a twin named Esau, which translates into hairy. People commonly say that Jacob translates into "Grasper of the heel" because he was holding onto Esau's foot when we was born. Another way that we can see Jacob's name is that of "deceiver."

A name is so important to these people at this time. A name is the essence of who you are, kinda like a brand that you carry with you your entire life. So Jacob carries around this tattoo of "deceiver" his entire life. To make a long story short Jacob tricks Esau out of his inheritance and then he runs away for 20 years or more. Read Genesis 27-32 for the story.

Jacob is traveling back to meet his brother after he has been gone, and he's nervous. He catches wind that Esau is coming and he's got 400 men with him. It's not looking good for Jacob. He sends his family across the river and he stays on the other side alone. While he's there a man comes and he wrestling with Him till day break. Jacob refuses to let go until he is blessed. So he gets asked this question? What is your name. I bet that stung, I bet that took the wind out of his sails. He's Jacob, the deceiver. So he gets blessed with what? With a new name.

I think that one we can wrestle with God in this story is to ask ourselves: What is our name? What kind of identity do we carry around with us.

Here's something else to struggle with. Read Matthew 25, and ask the tough questions. What is God trying to tell you through these stories? Don't just be a consumer of these stories, but put them into action. Test them, try them, let God work through you.

PS Don't forget to check this SN: TheGreatSackRace

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Sack Race Video

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Misconceptions of Jesus

People view Jesus in alot of different ways don't they? I mean some people say that Jesus was tall and muscular and handsome. Some people say that he was short, fat, and ugly. Some people think that Jesus was some revolutionary politician, and others think he was just a really good teacher.

It's funny how we can get caught up in what other people have taught us to believe about Jesus. Whether it be in a Sunday School class (anybody remember the flannel boards?) or church, or movies, where ever. The fact is that we all have misconceptions of who Jesus really is.

We can find a few examples of our misconceptions here. Click on the Media link (the top of the picture) then go to videos and the second page of that.

Those videos are funny, but how many of us give false ideas to people around us about who Jesus is? The way that we view Jesus has a direct effect on how we live our lives. Let's not be the type of people that give people misconceptions about Him, but lets be the type of people who find out for ourselves who Jesus was (John 1 is a great place to start) and live it in our day to day lives.

PS you may want to check this AIM Screen Name....... TheGreatSackRace